- FW24 - "Gentle luxury, a symbol of tailored beauty."
- FW23 - "Virtues are necessary to cities."
- FW22 - "The eyes are the interpreters of the soul."
- FW21 - "Nature is a gentle, prudent and just guide."
- FW20 - "The journey towards Universal Humanism."
- FW19 - "Time for Spirit, time for Harmony."
- SS18 - "Human Privacy."
- FW17 - "Nature is full of infinite causes." Leonardo da Vinci
- FW16 - "We love Codices, the ancient messengers of Art and Culture."
- FW15 - "Nature does nothing in vain." Aristotle
- FW14 - "All things come from the Earth." Xenophanes
- FW09 - "Anima Mundi."
- FW08 - "Simplicity, Beauty, Truth."
- FW04 - "Magnum miraculum est homo."
- FW03 - "Dawn of a Better World."
- 1997 - "Together in time."
- 1996 - "We need a new Humanism."
- 1995 - "Beauty is made up of an eternal element." C. Baudelaire
- FW21 - "Nature is a gentle, prudent and just guide."
"Nature is a gentle, prudent and just guide."
Fall-Winter 2021
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