The Cucinelli Theatre
No visitor who was ever welcomed to Solomeo has remained indifferent to the charming fascination of the elegant Cucinelli Theatre.
The reasons for this building can be read on an imposing travertine plate displayed on its walls:
“In his beloved Solomeo Brunello Cucinelli wanted to build this theatre for the people facing the theatre of nature to commemorate at all times the eternal values of beauty and dream”.
1- "In his beloved Solomeo Brunello Cucinelli wanted to build this theatre for the people facing the theatre of nature to commemorate at all times the eternal values of beauty and dream." A.D. MMVIII
2- Brunello Cucinelli with artisans at the end of the Theater’s construction works, 2008
This charming building, which stands at the centre of the Forum of the Arts, combines the future with history.
Illustration by Sunflowerman
Tilda Swinton, Elio Germano, Corrado Augias and Aurelio Canonici, Aleksandr Dmitrievič Malofeev
Its structure is modern and versatile, while its shape is inspired by the standards of the Renaissance style.
Both the exteriors and the set design comply with the classic canons. At the entrance, the pronaos in a curved shape is supported by Ionic columns and it leads into a foyer that is also supported by pillars, where visitors are welcomed by the pictures of the artists that have performed here. The inside of the theatre is charming and simple at the same time, in light soft colours and displaying the austere line of the noble oak trusses.
Rioult Dance New York, Isabella Ferrari, Silvio Orlando, John Malkovich, I Solisti di Pavia
The parterre and cavea seating areas can seat over 200 people. The stage is 12 metres wide and 8 metres deep, with a proscenium measuring 7 metres; thanks to the system of trapdoors and the stage machinery, the theatre can very easily adjust and be suitable to any kind of stage setting, thereby meeting all of the different stage needs.
Moni Ovadia, Sander Sittig, Michel Piccoli, Daniel Pennac, Patrice Chéreau
Poster of the Cucinelli Theater inaugural show "Il Bosco degli Spiriti". Solomeo, September 3, 2008
Laura Morante, Shlomo Mintz, Isabelle Huppert, Carolyn Carlson, Nicola Piovani
The Theater opened in 2008 with the play Il Bosco degli Spiriti directed by Luca Ronconi, with music by Ludovico Einaudi and script by Cesare Mazzonis.
“May the noble heart of all those honouring us with their great art receive our thank you from Solomeo as a demonstration of our huge gratitude”.
Stefano Accorsi, Marco Baliani, Ramin Bahrami, Toni Servillo, Stefan Milenkovich, Peter Brook
Over the seasons, the theatre has become a sought-after destination for national and international artists, who perform in perfect harmony with Creation.
Ziya Azazi, Johannes Skudlik, Michele Placido, Monica Guerritore, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jane Birkin
Giorgio Albertazzi, Lambert Wilson, Luca Ronconi, Theodore Terzopoulos, Charlotte Rampling, Virgilio Sieni, Ludovico Einaudi